Expression has No Calories

Oh man, I’m pretty hyped at the moment. I love to write, color, draw, doodle, simply create… Whatever comes to my mind, I’m usually writing it down in one of my several journals I leave in random places around my house. About two weeks ago, the beginnings of a poem popped into my head about the kids who will be graduating from high school this year.

Sidebar (this next bit has to do with my poem)…

What a tough time to be a senior in high school right now… As Student Government sponsor, I have had the privilege of getting to know some of the students in the 2020 graduating class. My heart goes out to them as they wrap up their final year of high school that is literally unlike any other. I mean, no Prom, no Grad Night, no Grad Bash, Project Graduation, you name it, they didn’t get it… Many students that I’ve chatted with can’t stand distance learning and they miss being at school. It’s hard to believe but I was in their shoes exactly 10 years ago, and I would have been destroyed if all of my lasts were stripped from me. Didn’t we all spend our 3.5 years of high school looking forward to the final semester of our senior year? Yes, we do. I couldn’t wait for all of those big moments that I would remember forever. Well, these kids won’t have the same memories.

So where am I going with this… Expression has no calories. Yup, you have the freedom to express your ideas, creativity, and opinions free of caloric value to your daily intake. Like I mentioned earlier, I love to write. I’m finding the more I write, the more I want to write and the more I have to write about. So whether you choose to express yourself through writing facebook posts, through 280 character tweets, through dancing or singing, or any other form of expression, do it. There’s no calories adding up while you sit and transform your ideas into something tangible. It’s totally worth it and you may even burn a calorie or two.

Here’s my poem:

Patience Has No Calories

Ask anyone, I’m pretty much the most IMPATIENT person in the world. This is a product of a cut-throat (sometimes lethal) combination:

  • a Millennial
  • an Enneagram 7W8
  • the eldest of two in a relatively small family

In short, Millennials live in a world where anything more than 2-day shipping is unacceptable. As a 7w8, I have a serious fear of missing out (FOMO, it’s a real thing), so if I’m waiting for something it means I’m missing something else. Finally, being the first born, I didn’t have to wait on anyone or anything for the first few years of my life and then my brother just went along with whatever. Makes sense, right? Back to it, my definition for patience:

Patience (n.) – the ability to wait calmly for something to happen


The whole idea of having patience or chilling out or to “STAY CALM” is just frustrating to think about when we are consumed with getting things in an (snaps fingers) instant. GET THIS, even if it’s not in an instant, we can actually SCHEDULE when it arrives so we already know when to expect it. And yes, I’m talking about food.

When it comes to lifestyle changes and eating habits, I expect results almost immediately. I expect to feel better in a few hours. I expect to lift my shirt up and see some kind of abs forming. I expect to be able to run a 5K without breaking a sweat. (What a joke!) With those kinds of unrealistic expectations, no wonder I struggle with being patient… But seriously who doesn’t? You make some effort, you deserve some change, right?

But here’s the thing, while I’m choosing to put effort into eating better, to creating healthy habits for me and my family, I can get my gratification from other sources while I (patiently) wait for the results I’m really looking for.

Let’s unpack this…

You can pray or meditate or breath for more patience, but in the end it’s about taking a step back and understanding the value of what you’re waiting for. Personally, I’m choosing to eat better so I look better and I’m happier with who I see in the mirror, I mean really who doesn’t want to look good, right? But, what’s the value of that goal? Honestly, not much, I’m only trying to make myself feel better, for me. But, who else benefits from the choices I make to meet that goal? That’s right, my family. While I’m waiting for that hot bod in the mirror and for my jeans to fit more loosely, I’m instantly getting other (IMO way more valuable) things:

  • New Recipes (trying new foods with young kids is so much fun)
  • Mealtime with My Family (watching my kids eat is hysterical)
  • New Activities (we love to walk as a family and point out animals or cars we see)
  • Home Renos (with more energy, I have more drive to get $&*# done around the house)

So yea, I may not see a “hot bod” this summer because it does take time and I’m still counting those darn calories. However, one thing is true, the value of my end result is actually found in the choices I make leading to the end result. Having patience is all about gaining a little bit of perspective. I’m sure you’ve heard some version of “its about the journey not the destination,” Ralph Waldo Emerson and T.S. Eliot both believe it and it’s time we should too. If you choose to focus and dwell on the longterm result that may take months or years (i.e. hot bod in the mirror), I guarantee you’ll miss out on the most gratifying moments that you’ll never get back.

So, think about this… What do you want? and what can you choose to enjoy along the way? How can you combat your impatience with unforgettable moments or other opportunities while you wait? *Comment below*

Till next time…

“No Calories” Kinda Life

Society today is SO overly consumed with the value of each bite we put in our mouth that it’s becoming ridiculously EXHAUSTING to keep up with what foods are actually healthy for you. I mean, is cheese a “good” food or not? That’s the real question…

I have this ongoing inner struggle with myself about food…

I really really like food but I’m really really really tired of feeling guilty all of the time.


Picture this, I’m getting lunch ready for my two boys. I start strong with some kind of protein, a veggie, a fruit and end with Kraft Mac & Cheese. I’m mixing the cheese powder with the tiny noodles soaked in a radiation wave enhanced gel-like liquid (so appetizing) and I (without fail) take a bite. Then I feel defeated because I took that one bite which means I’m going to continue to make poor food choices for the rest of the day.

In the midst of this internal battle between my impulsive inner child and my motivated Mom brain, I had this simple thought…

There are things in life that have absolutely NO calories.

And here’s what I mean by that…

I put SO much effort and thought into the meals/snacks I eat or the feelings I have after I eat, it literally consumes me. I think about what exercises I can do to make up for it. I think of the failure that I am for not preparing a healthier meal for my family. I think of the money that went in to a mediocre take out meal. These are just some of the common ones, I’ve got plenty more where that came from.

Okay, so what if I stop having this degrading thoughts? What if I try not to think about those things? First off, easier said than done. Second, what am I supposed to think about if I don’t have those thoughts? This is when my simple (yet profound) breakthrough unearthed itself…

There are feelings, thoughts, activities in life that I LOVE that have NO CALORIES attached to them. Actually, in some situations, many of them (wait for it) BURN CALORIES! What!?!

I’m hoping to start a series of posts titled No Calorie Life that will focus on the feelings/activities/character traits that will drive one’s focus away from the caloric value of food and towards living a more satisfying (free from food baggage) life.

Stay tuned…