“No Calories” Kinda Life

Society today is SO overly consumed with the value of each bite we put in our mouth that it’s becoming ridiculously EXHAUSTING to keep up with what foods are actually healthy for you. I mean, is cheese a “good” food or not? That’s the real question…

I have this ongoing inner struggle with myself about food…

I really really like food but I’m really really really tired of feeling guilty all of the time.


Picture this, I’m getting lunch ready for my two boys. I start strong with some kind of protein, a veggie, a fruit and end with Kraft Mac & Cheese. I’m mixing the cheese powder with the tiny noodles soaked in a radiation wave enhanced gel-like liquid (so appetizing) and I (without fail) take a bite. Then I feel defeated because I took that one bite which means I’m going to continue to make poor food choices for the rest of the day.

In the midst of this internal battle between my impulsive inner child and my motivated Mom brain, I had this simple thought…

There are things in life that have absolutely NO calories.

And here’s what I mean by that…

I put SO much effort and thought into the meals/snacks I eat or the feelings I have after I eat, it literally consumes me. I think about what exercises I can do to make up for it. I think of the failure that I am for not preparing a healthier meal for my family. I think of the money that went in to a mediocre take out meal. These are just some of the common ones, I’ve got plenty more where that came from.

Okay, so what if I stop having this degrading thoughts? What if I try not to think about those things? First off, easier said than done. Second, what am I supposed to think about if I don’t have those thoughts? This is when my simple (yet profound) breakthrough unearthed itself…

There are feelings, thoughts, activities in life that I LOVE that have NO CALORIES attached to them. Actually, in some situations, many of them (wait for it) BURN CALORIES! What!?!

I’m hoping to start a series of posts titled No Calorie Life that will focus on the feelings/activities/character traits that will drive one’s focus away from the caloric value of food and towards living a more satisfying (free from food baggage) life.

Stay tuned…

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